와이카토 → 로토루아 → 블레넘으로 이동한 확진자이고,
남섬에서 확진자가 나온 사례는 12개월 만에 처음입니다.
New case in Blenheim, South Island
The South Island has its first Covid case in 12 months - a person who flew from Rotorua to Marlborough and who has been linked to a Waikato cluster.
The Ministry of Health has confirmed the case is now isolating in Blenheim.
"It comes after the individual late last night returned a positive Covid-19 test result," the Ministry said in a statement.
- 남섬에 12개월만에 확진자가 발생했습니다. 로토루아에서 말보로 지역으로 넘어왔으며, 와이카토 클러스터와 연결된 확진자 입니다.
"The individual flew from Rotorua and arrived in Blenheim on [Thursday]. The individual sought a test upon arrival after developing a sore throat. The initial test, including a follow-up swab, returned a weak positive result.
"Investigations into the source of the infection are under way. However, initial case interviews suggest the case is linked to the Te Awamutu cluster."
The ministry said the current public health assessment was that the risk appeared low given the individual's likely late stage of infection.
- 목요일에 로토루아에서 남섬 블레넘으로 비행, 침 삼킬때 목이 아픈 증상으로 검사를 받아서 확진 판정을 받았습니다.
확진자의 남섬 방문지는 아래와 같으며, 작은 증상이라도 있다면 백신 접종 여부와 상관없이 검사를 받으셔야 합니다.
* Blenheim CBAC: Horton Park, off Redwood St, 9am-5.30pm on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday
* Nelson CBAC: Saxton Field parking area, Suffolk Rd, Stoke, 10am-6pm on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday