키위세이버는 뉴질랜드 국민연금 제도 입니다. 영주권자/시민권자만 가입이 가능하기 때문에 워홀러분들은 고용주가 가입 시켜주셨으면 실수로 가입이 된것이니 고용주에게 취소하고 싶다고 말씀하시면 취소 해드릴거에요.
또는 IRD(뉴질랜드 국세청) 홈페이지에서 취소 신청 가능합니다.
What The process of leaving KiwiSaver.
Who Anyone who wants to leave KiwiSaver after being automatically enrolled.
When Between week 2 and 8 after being enrolled
If you’ve been automatically enrolled but do not want to be a KiwiSaver member you can opt out.
You can opt out between the end of week 2 and week 8 of starting work. That is on or after day 14 and on or before day 56.
If you do not opt out, you will stay in KiwiSaver and your employer will continue to deduct contributions from your pay.
If you've been in KiwiSaver for over 8 weeks We may accept late opt outs after 8 weeks and up to 3 months after we get your first contribution if:
your employer did not give you a KiwiSaver employee information pack - KS3 within 7 days of you starting your job
we did not send you a product disclosure statement for the default KiwiSaver scheme we allocated you to
your employer did not give you a product disclosure statement for their chosen KiwiSaver scheme
events outside your control meant you could not deliver your opt out notice on time
you should not have been automatically enrolled.
If you are under 19 years of age You may be able to opt out if:
your employer incorrectly enrolled before you turned 18
you were incorrectly enrolled and didn’t have your guardians' consent to join KiwiSaver
you are under 16 and you want to opt out. Your guardian must agree.
You may not be able to opt out if:
you contacted a provider and chose your own investment scheme
your guardians signed you up for KiwiSaver or gave consent for you to join
you opted in directly after you turned 18.
If you joined directly with a provider If you joined directly with a KiwiSaver provider you cannot opt out, but you might be able to take a savings suspension.
출처: https://www.ird.govt.nz/kiwisaver/kiwisaver-individuals/opting-out-of-kiwisaver