뉴질랜드에서 차량 진행 방향과 반대로 주차하면 불법이고 벌금을 내게 됩니다
주차 위반으로 인한 벌금은 $40 입니다
The New Zealand Road Code (a national law) states that you must not park or stop your vehicle on the right-hand side of the road, except in a one-way street, ie facing oncoming traffic.
But before you head off to do just that in, for example, John St in Ponsonby, you might like to note that Auckland Transport's parking infringements include the possibility of a $40 fine for parking facing the wrong way in a one-way street (S.40 Land Transport Act 1998 and Rule & 6.12 Road User Rule 2004, and Rule 4 and Schedule 1 Land Transport (Offences and Penalties) Regulations 1999).
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