코로나 2차 (8주) 웨이지 섭시디 신청을 아직 안하셨다면 9월1일까지 연장 되었으니 신청 바랍니다
You can't apply for the Wage Subsidy Extension for an employee until their 12 week Wage Subsidy has finished.
Applications are open from 10 June 2020 and close just before midnight on September 1 2020 (11.59pm).
- You can apply to cover the wages of your employees over an 8 week period.
- You can apply for the Wage Subsidy Extension for your employee, even if you haven't applied for the Wage Subsidy for them before.
- You can't apply for the same employee twice.
- If you have applied for the Wage Subsidy or Leave Support Scheme for your employee, you need to wait until those payments are finished before you can apply for the Wage Subsidy Extension.
- You can't receive more than one COVID-19 payment for the same employee at the same time.