Small M3.4 earthquake near Christchurch felt by hundreds
Almost 700 people say they felt a small quake near Christchurch early on Thursday morning.
- 거의 700명의 사람들이 목요일 아침 크라이스트처치 근처에서 작은 지진을 느꼈다고 말했다.
At least 674 people say they felt the 3.4 magnitude earthquake on Thursday.
The quake was recorded at 5.32am and was felt by 674 people – most reporting it as a light shake, according to GeoNet.
- 지오넷에 의하면 지진은 오전 5시 32분에 기록되었으며 674명이 느꼈으며, 대부분은 가벼운 흔들림으로 보고되었다.
The quake, which had a magnitude of 3.4, occurred 10 kilometres east of Christchurch in the sea, at a depth of 8km.
- 규모 3.4의 지진이 발생한 곳은 크라이스트처치 동쪽 10㎞ 해역 수심 8㎞ 지점이다.