한국은 자동차 운전석이 왼쪽에 있어서 좌핸들 차량(Left Hand Drive vehicle)이라고 부릅니다. 정보 글을 작성하긴 하지만, 버스나 트럭이 아닌 이상 자동차를 한국에서 뉴질랜드로 보내는것은 추천 드리지 않습니다.
Importing a left-hand drive vehicle
- 좌핸들 차량을 수입하는 경우
Are there restrictions on LHD vehicles?
- 좌핸들 차량에 대한 제한이 있나요?
Yes. Most left-hand drive vehicles have to be converted to right-hand drive (RHD) before they can be driven on New Zealand roads.
- 네, 거의 모든 좌핸들 차량은 우핸들 차량으로 운전석 위치를 바꿔야 합니다.
For modern vehicles, this is either very expensive or impractical – especially if the vehicle has a modern frontal impact protection system (eg airbags and crumple zones).
- 최신 차량들은 매우 비싸거나 비현실적 입니다 - 특히 최신 차량 보호시스템(에어백이나 크럼블존) 이 있는 경우에 그렇습니다.
The only vehicles that can be registered as LHD and driven on New Zealand roads are those that belong to one of the specific categories of LHD that are permitted by law.
- 뉴질랜드에서 좌핸들 차량으로 등록되기 위해서는 좌핸들 차량 카테고리가 법 규정에 맞아야 합니다.
Before going to the expense of importing a LHD vehicle, you should check very carefully that your vehicle is either belongs to one of the permitted categories or is capable of being converted to RHD. Otherwise, you may find it impossible to use the vehicle on New Zealand roads.
- 차량을 수입하기전에, 해당 차량이 허가되는 카테고리에 포함되어 있는지 또는 좌핸들에서 우핸들로 변경이 가능한지 확인 하셔야합니다. 그렇지 않으면, 뉴질랜드 도로에서 운행되는것이 불가능 할겁니다.
How is the system enforced?
- 어떻게 시스템이 적용될까요?
Restrictions on a LHD vehicle are enforced when you go to register it for use on the road, not when it's imported into New Zealand.
- 좌핸들 차량에 대한 제한은 뉴질랜드로 수입할때 있는것이 아닌 차량을 등록할때 있습니다.
Do I need a permit for a LHD vehicle?
- 좌핸들 차량에 대한 허가를 받아야 하나요?
Some types of LHD vehicles will need to be issued with a permit in order to be registered in New Zealand, while others can be registered automatically.
- 몇가지 종류의 좌핸들 차량은 뉴질랜드에 등록을 하려면 허가를 받아야 합니다.
Is there a list of vehicles that have previously been granted a LHD permit?
- 기존에 허가 받았던 좌핸들 차량 리스트가 있나요?
All permit applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis and are required to meet the criteria set out in legislation. If a vehicle is on the below list, this does not mean another vehicle of the same make, model, sub-model would automatically be approved. This list cannot be used as proof that a vehicle meets the criteria and you will still be required to provide the supporting documentation to confirm that both you and your vehicle meet the criteria set out on the application form. Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is not obligated to grant a permit if it is not considered appropriate and may impose conditions to any permit.
- 모든 허가는 케이스-바이-케이스로 심사를 받게 되고 규정에 맞아야 합니다. 만약에 같은 차량이 리스트에 있어도, 가지고 오려는 차량이 자동으로 허가가 된다는 뜻은 아닙니다. 이 리스트는 차량을 가지고 오기 위한 증명으로 사용할 수 없고, 직접 차량이 뉴질랜드에 맞는지 증명할 수 있는 자료를 준비해야 합니다.
Which LHD vehicles are allowed to be registered in New Zealand?
- 어떤 좌핸들 차량이 뉴질랜드에 등록이 될 수 있나요?
Under Land Transport Rule: Steering Systems (2001), it's generally illegal to register a LHD vehicle for use on New Zealand roads. However, the rule allows some specific categories of LHD vehicles to be registered and operated. The main categories are listed below.
- 뉴질랜드 도로국 규정에 따르면, 일반적으로 좌핸들 차량은 뉴질랜드에서 등록되는것은 불법 입니다. 하지만, 규정은 특정 카테고리의 좌핸들 차량은 등록과 운행이 가능합니다. 주요 카테고리는 아래와 같습니다.
Category A: Special interest light vehicles less than 20 years old
The vehicle must be class MA, and
be issued with a category A left-hand drive vehicle permit by the Transport Agency, and
be manufactured in a country other than New Zealand less than 20 years before the vehicle is certified for entry in New Zealand.
The vehicle must not be operated in a transport service and must be registered in the name of the person who obtained the original category A LHD permit for a period of four years.
Requirements that the vehicle must meet
To issue a vehicle with a category A LHD vehicle permit, Waka Kotahi must either deem it to have historic value, or it must be a vehicle that was not manufactured in right-hand drive form that meets three of the following four requirements:
the vehicle (or its make, model and submodel) is identified as being a collector's item in a commercially produced motoring publication
the vehicle's make, model and submodel has been (or was) manufactured in annual volumes of 20,000 units or less (a scratch-built vehicle does not meet this criteria and cannot be LVV certified)
the vehicle is, and was manufactured as, a two-door coupe or a convertible
the vehicle is, and was manufactured as, a high-performance vehicle.
Waka Kotahi may issue up to 500 category A LHD vehicle permits per year.
Find out more about obtaining a Category A LHD vehicle permit
Category B: Light vehicles that are 20 years old or more
These are light vehicles that were manufactured 20 years or more before the vehicle is certified in New Zealand.
The vehicle must be class MA, MB or MC with a gross vehicle mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, or a class NA vehicle, that was manufactured in a country other than New Zealand 20 years or more before the vehicle is certified.
The vehicle must not be operated in a transport service.
Category C: Specialist vehicles
C1: Vehicles with dual steering controls. The vehicle must have dual steering columns and controls.
C2: Identified categories of specialist vehicles that may, in some circumstances, be LHD. The vehicle must be used solely or principally as:
a mobile crane, or
a vehicle which operates wholly or partly on self-laying tracks, or
an agricultural tractor or self-propelled agricultural harvesting machine, or
an earthmoving machine.
Waka Kotahi must confirm in writing that it is satisfied the operation of the vehicle requires it to be a left-hand drive vehicle or that the vehicle is only available as a left-hand drive vehicle.
C3: Other specialist vehicles that may be LHD. Waka Kotahi must confirm in writing that it is satisfied that the vehicle has special characteristics, or is equipped for special operational purposes, such that conversion to right-hand drive is impractical.
C4: LHD hearses. The vehicle must be identified as a hearse by the vehicle manufacturer.
C5: LHD motorsport vehicles. The vehicle must be a class MA or class MC motor vehicle that is used in motor sport competition and is operated in accordance with the conditions of a valid motor sport authority card.
Category D: Vehicles operated by diplomats
The vehicle must be operated by a person who is, for the time being, entitled to diplomatic immunity from jurisdiction. You will need to prove diplomatic status with an appropriate letter of accreditation.
Category E: Vehicles exempt from registration and licensing
The vehicle must be exempt from registration and licensing requirements.
Category F: Former Crown vehicles
The vehicle must be formerly owned by the Crown.
Category G: Motorcycles with sidecars
The motorcycle may have a sidecar fitted to the right-hand side of the motorcycle.
LHD vehicles entry certified prior to 1 April 2010
LHD vehicles that were entry certified in New Zealand before 1 April 2010 are also able to continue to be registered, and so are vehicles temporarily imported into New Zealand.
If your LHD vehicle falls into one of these categories and meets all the safety and legal requirements applying to imported vehicles, you'll be able to register and license it for use on New Zealand roads.
Requirements for LHD vehicles imported temporarily
LHD vehicles imported temporarily must be cleared through Customs with the appropriate documents – Carnet de Passage en Douanes, Triptyque, or the relevant New Zealand Customs Service import declaration form.
The vehicle will then need to be registered as an overseas vehicle and pass a warrant of fitness inspection. This will allow you to operate the vehicle on overseas plates for up to 12 months.
If I meet the conditions, what should I do next?
- 만약에 내가 모든 컨디션(규정)을 맞추면, 그 다음에는 무엇을 해야하나요?
If you meet the conditions, take your LHD vehicle and all the documents you need to an entry certifier.
- 만약에 모든 컨디션(규정)에 맞았다면, Entry certifier가 필요합니다.
What will the entry certifier do?
- Entry certifier는 무엇을 하나요?
At the entry certifier, your vehicle will:
- Entry certifier에서 자동차는:
● be issued with a valid vehicle identification number (VIN), if it doesn't already have one
- 만약에 자동차 고유번호 VIN가 없다면, 발급 받게 됩니다.
● be checked to see that it falls within one of the exempted categories (and that you have all the necessary documentation)
- 면제되는 카테고리에 해당되는지 확인을 합니다(필요한 서류가 모두 있는지 확인)
● be checked for compliance with New Zealand safety standards
- 뉴질랜드 안전규정에 맞게 검사를 합니다.
● be registered and licensed
- 등록하고 차량운행 면허를 받습니다.
● be issued with a warrant of fitness or certificate of fitness
- 일반 자동차의 경우 WOF 검사를 받거나, 12인승 이상의 상업용 차량은 Certificate of fitness를 받습니다.
● where appropriate, be issued with a road user charges licence.
- 필요한 경우, 특히 디젤의 경우 Road User Charge라는 환경세를 내고 차량에 부착하는 라이센스(허가서)를 붙여야 합니다.
뉴질랜드 자동차 정보방 & 대화 카톡방
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