항공사 직원 코로나 확진. 슈퍼마켓 다녀감
Airline crew member tests positive for Covid, supermarket is 'location of interest'
일본에서 2월28일에 뉴질랜드로 돌아왔고 들어올때 검사 했을때는 음성으로 나왔으나
The case is an airline crew member who returned to New Zealand from Japan on 28 February, and returned a negative Covid-19 result.
어제 다시 검사해서 확진판정
The person then subsequently returned a positive test result today after a swab taken yesterday as part of routine surveillance testing.
오늘 오클랜드 격리시설로 들어갔고, 가족 3명은 모두 음성. 같이 비행기 타고온 14명의 직원 모두 연락되었고, 격리 되었으며 다시 테스트 받음
The person has today moved to Auckland's quarantine facility.
The individual's three household family members have already been tested today and the results are all negative.
Fourteen other air crew on the same journey as the latest case are in the process of being contacted, isolated and retested.